

Glass - September Progress Update

Fun fact: the code for Glass is currently 388,903 bytes long. One character of ASCII text takes up one byte, which means 388,903 characters of code. Brave New World, according to Amazon's book stats, is 380,626 characters long. Glass is now longer than Brave New World.

The game is nearly done. I'm finished with most of the user interface, am done adding new gameplay features, and made a half-baked soundtrack for the title screen over the last two months. Sound effects are in the works. In terms of code and asset development, I expect to be finished in less than a month. It's a generous deadline, but I'm pretty terrible with deadlines. All that's left after that is to crank out eighty different levels.

In any case, this means that it's almost time to start beta-testing the game. In other words, for the next few months, I am going to have to start bugging everybody I know that owns an Android device to play and give me feedback. It's kind of scary to start opening up this project of mine to be criticized, but it's got to be done.

I'm also thinking of maybe making an actual website now, instead of just a blog, but that's a lot more work, plus money for a domain name and hosting.